Something New On the Horizon
Aug 25, 2021I'm so excited to share some news with you! Over the last few months, I've been busy working behind the scenes to turn Genealogy Problem-Solving Academy into a self-study course!
I will be unveiling the self-study version on August 31, 2021, but only to those who are on the wait list.
Anyone who is on the wait list by 7:00 a.m. CDT on August 31 will receive an exclusive, introductory offer to join the Academy.
What is Genealogy Problem-Solving Academy? It's an online course that teaches my problem-solving framework so you can get organized, research with intention, and start tracking down those elusive ancestors.
There are five core modules, with bite-sized video lessons that walk you step by step though the problem-solving framework. Closed captioning and video transcripts are included.
Additionally, you'll put what you learn into practice right away with assignments that will help you make progress on your OWN project.
You'll also receive worksheets, templates, resources, and more so you can easily work on your project...no excuses!
And, there may be a few bonuses thrown in too!
If you're looking for an efficient and effective way to research, then Genealogy Problem-Solving Academy is for you.
The Take Action prompt for this post is simple. Get your name on the wait list for the Academy so you can be first in line when I unveil the new self-study version next week.
© Julie Tarr. This article was first published at Genealogy In Action; appearance of this article elsewhere, without my permission, violates copyright.