FamilySearch Wiki: Your On-Call Research Assistant

references & resources tools & technology Jun 30, 2021

When it comes to genealogy, finding records can be a challenge, which often leads to brick walls. Well my friend, if you’re in this boat, this is for you!

The biggest question we try to answer is: Does a record exist for the time and place of interest, and where on earth is it?

So, how can you go about finding records, both those you’re familiar with and those you’re not?

The FamilySearch Wiki is a great online tool. Consider it your on-call research assistant. You can head over there any time, day or night, and find all sorts of goodies that will help you with your research.

You can utilize the wiki to study a location and its records, as well as learn about a record type that may be unfamiliar to you. Check out the video to see the FamilySearch Wiki in action.

Pick a location that you research in often. Then, head over to the FamilySearch Wiki and start exploring the location, starting at the country level, then the state, and then the county. Spend some time exploring each level to get a feel for what’s available in the wiki. Then, pick a topic that you’d like to learn more about and search for wiki articles to see what you can find.

© Julie Tarr. This article was first published at Genealogy In Action; appearance of this article elsewhere, without my permission, violates copyright.