Genealogy In Action Blog

Learn about various record types, methods and strategies, references and resources, and tools and technology to help you grow your genealogy skills. Articles also include a take-action prompt so you can immediately put into practice what you learned.

3 Resources for Researching in Another Country methods & strategies references & resources tools & technology May 19, 2021

Wanna know my secret for researching in other countries?

It's all about studying the location!

This of course applies to ANY location, not just other countries.

But how do you go about studying a location? Well, there are plenty of resources out there that can help with that! These three resources are my go-tos when I need to get started with researching in a new-to-me country (or a new town/state/region of a country).

1. FamilySearch Wiki

The FamilySearch Wiki has oodles of information on...

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Cyndi's List: A Must-Have In Your Genealogy Toolbox references & resources tools & technology Mar 10, 2021

I started to write this post back in October 2020, but things got in the way and I never finished the post. Apparently, there was a reason to hold off...

You see, this year marks the 25th anniversary of Cyndi's List I guess it was serendipitous that I waited until now

So what is Cyndi's List? I consider Cyndi's List an information superhighway of all things genealogy on the Internet. It's essentially a free directory of links to genealogy resources and references all over the web....

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FamilySearch: If Youā€™re Not Using the Catalog, You May Be Missing Out references & resources tools & technology Feb 10, 2021

If you're only using the Historical Records Collection portion of the FamilySearch site, you may be missing out on a lot of other records, both online and offline.

Check out this video to see why. I'll also take you on a quick tour of the catalog to show you how to identify what’s immediately accessible online, what’s available online with restrictions, and what’s available offline.

Pick a location that you research in often. Then, head over to the FamilySearch catalog and...

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FamilySearch Catalogā€™s Best Kept Secret references & resources tools & technology Sep 05, 2020

>>Video Transcript<<

Today I’m going to share with you one of FamilySearch catalog’s best kept secrets.

The FamilySearch catalog is a great tool to use when planning out your research. Because the Family History Library has such a vast collection of records, books, periodicals, maps, and other materials, you can usually find something useful for your research project. The catalog is usually the first place I look when I begin adding to my research plan (or building a...

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3 Types of Timelines for Genealogy Research methods & strategies tools & technology Aug 26, 2020

Timelines—one of my favorite genealogy research tools! Just the process of building a timeline can help your research immensely, as you will typically start to see patterns, discrepancies, or missing information that need further investigation. And, if you're a visual person like me, timelines provide a visual tool for you to better analyze the data you’ve collected.

Let’s take a look at the three types of timelines and how they can help you in your research.

1. Basic


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